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Hi, my name is Vickiana Supriana and I'm running for your junior class president.


I am an IB student at Gateway High School, who just wants to make a difference.

 I am a part of Spanish national honor society, theatre and debate. I love spoken word poetry. When words can't just sit on a page and demand to be heard, the way to go is spoken word. I'm always thinking of how I can help others, and I believe a great way to do this is through the student council. I also give back to our community at Florida Hospital, and am pursuing an internship and shadowship at osceola regional which specializes in cardiovascular care.​


Anybody who knows me can tell you that I am someone who is dedicated and passionate for what she stands for. So, if we stand together who can stand against us? "I know together we can build Gateway's tomorrow, today."



For college, I plan to attend Duke University and double-major in creative writing and business for undergrad. I love writing. It is a way to express myself; I find it calming. If you play life safe how will you ever learn? I want to be an entrpenur and open up my own business. After getting my degree in writing and business, I want to attend medical school, to become a cardiologist. I love the heart it's my favorite organ. Everything I say is from the heart(ironically). My utmost goal in life is to help others, no matter how small the difference. "We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give,"(Churchill) and what I want to give is back; this isn't about popularity to me.

I want this year to be a fun, safe, and inclusive environment. I have huge plans for this upcoming year, in collaboration with my fellow peer Nathalie, whom is running for Junior Class Vice President. We cannot share much as of now due to campaign rivals. However, I can say I will push for a positive-behavior carnival. Which is intented to promote school spirit and trust between the falculty and staff. Students will appreciate something much more if they have to work for it.

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